Does UK legislation apply in France?

Who is responsible for knowing the current legislation - me or the artisan?

Can I do the work myself?



Does UK legislation apply in France?

Generally, no.  There are certain elements of European legislation which are consistent throughout the EEC but generally each country has its own specific legislation relating to the various elements of building services installations which must be adhered to, very often for specific safety reasons.


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Who is responsible for knowing the current legislation - me or the artisan?

It is always the responsibility of the artisan that you employ to ensure that any work undertaken is fully compliant with current legislation.  In certain instances it will be necessary to involve external bodies such as Qualigaz or Consuel to assure compliance and it will be the artisan who instigates such verification.


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Can I do the work myself?

There is nothing to prevent a property owner from undertaking work upon their own property provided that they meet the requirements of all current legislation and standards in force, just as would be expected of an artisan.  Failure to comply with such legislation or standards may leave you exposed to legal comeback and may make your property unsaleable.


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